
Membership Checkout

Membership Level change

You have selected the Full Permaculture Design Journey with Ludwig membership level.

These terms and conditions below are additional to the Terms and Conditions of the website. You can see them here

This membership opens the doors to the Permaculture Design group in Rubha Phoil's Virtual Village. In this group, we can go on a journey towards a permaculture design for your land together with Ludwig. Ludwig will help you and teach you how to create your own design. An basic but good understanding of permaculture ethics, principles is needed. I recommend to do the Permaculture Foundation Program first.

I, Ludwig will give you exercises, and homework and self study to do. I will guide you on your journey.

Appointments will depend on my availability. I can't make guarantees to be available at short notice. But I promise to do my best to help you as best as I can as fast as I can.

Entry into this group costs £100 which includes 80 RR back into your account on this website. This is enough RR for 4 hours of help from me. These RR cannot be converted back into £.
This 4 hours of my time could be enough to get to your own design, if you have some maps already, have done the PDC already or equivalent in self study. But you may need to purchase more time. I cannot in any way guarantee that 4 hours is enough.

You are welcome to find help from other people too and I am happy to help with that. My main goal is spreading permaculture.

I will only count the the actual minutes I use to help you and will do his best to limit the need for my input by directing you towards self study possibilities and other free or cheaper help from others in this group and outside. Minimum time I count is 1 min. I will keep a record of the time I use.

There will be an recurring charge of £20 per month, which will include 10RR back into your account every month. This is done to motivate you to keep working on the design. The amount of people I can mentor at any one time is limited. I can't keep your design in my memory while you are not working on it.

If the delay is due to me having lack of time, I will refund it.

You will need a laptop, a possibility to do video calls via Zoom or Skype or similar, and a google account to work on google docs.

Members need to be above 18. If younger, we will need to get permission from your parents, ask them to get in touch with me.

We will invite others to join this group, so that it can become a self study group in which people help each other. You are welcome to try to recruit new members too. (Pending legal checks, we might only be able to give you these if you are able to declare it as income to the tax department....) We will give you 20RR for every new member you introduce to this group who gets accepted by Ludwig.

Membership to the Village needs to be approved by an administrator, and membership to this group by Ludwig. Please be patient.

Payment below is done via STRIPE. We do NOT handle or store any card details on our website or servers.

The price for membership is £100.00 now and then £20.00 every 3 Months.

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Payment Information We accept all major credit cards

We do not handle or store your card details on our website or servers.
We use Stripe for processing your payment.